Visceral Manipulation was a common treatment used by allopathic physicians hundreds of years ago in Europe to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions and has evolved into an international field of study within the past 40 years thanks to the work of Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. Dr. Barral is a well-known French Physiotherapist and Osteopathic physician. He has pioneered the work of visceral manipulation and through the establishment of the Barral Institute and its instructors, brings training in this life-changing work to therapists around the world. Time Magazine UK has named the pioneer of Visceral Manipulation one of its “Top 6 Innovators for Alternative Medicine to watch for in the new millennium”, Carrie has been incorporating visceral manipulation into her practice for several years, and has completed multiple trainings in Visceral Manipulation. Visceral Manipulation involves using a very directed sense of touch that the practitioner applies with their hands externally through the patient’s skin and tissue layers to address restrictions in visceral organs and their associated tissues and/or structures.
“Time Magazine UK has named the pioneer of Visceral Manipulation one of its ‘Top 6 Innovators for Alternative Medicine to watch for in the new millennium.'”
The techniques used are extremely safe, gentle, non-invasive and can be done on infants, children or adults. Studies have shown that Visceral Manipulation is very effective for helping to restore normal movement to organs. This freedom of movement is important for maintaining a healthy nervous system, proper digestion, better sleep, decreased musculoskeletal pain and stress, and overall feelings of wellbeing. Carrie considers this one of the most valuable services she can provide for her patients and often includes it as part of treatment to better address chronic pain or post-traumatic musculoskeletal conditions. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of Visceral Manipulation, please contact Healing Foundations Physical Therapy for additional information.